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Paths of Spirit...



For as long I have been on this earth my spiritual hunger has been strong. From childhood I can remember so many questions I had about the Universe and the nature of reality, questions which often went unanswered, or whose answers left an unsatisfied yearning in my soul. My yearning has taken me to many different places, a few of which I'll share with you. At this moment in time I am very happy being a Sufi of the Shadhiliyya tariqat.  I have experienced many paths.  The The Quan Yin Method of meditationis a wonderful meditation path.  It is guided by Suma Ching Hai. Part of the requirements of this meditation path is a lifetime commitment to a vegetarian diet. This has been of great health benefit to me and not at difficult as I had imagined it would be. Before this path I have chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, a special mantra of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism  At the same time, Unity has been a soothing and comforting path, too. And though I had long been familiar with it, Marianne Williamson, who is now spiritual leader of the Church of Today,  gave me much greater appreciation for A Course in Miracles than I had had before. There are many other things I've seen and learned but I'll leave it here for now. But know that I've enjoyed my explorations along the way. So, I'm leaving a few trails for you to follow with the thought that perhaps, like me, your curiosity can be fed. Happy soul-ing!